Top 10 Books in Entrepreneurship

Top 10 Books in Entrepreneurship

1)  Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action

by Simon Sinek

Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action

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Each and every one of us in this world wants to become rich and successful. We aim to become successful in businesses, ventures, relationships and ultimately in life. However, to be frank, most of us fail to become one or are partially successful in whatever we start off with. The author of the book, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, feels that there is a reason behind it. Simon Sinek states the reason why some people are innovative, influential and more profitable than others is because they commenced their journey with 'why'.
In this book, Sinek quotes that some of the most successful and influential people in the world like Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King Jr. focused not on the results of their venture but on the question why. People who ask 'why' than 'how' or 'what' are those who touch lives with their works and inspire people over the years. They achieve remarkable things and carve a place for themselves in the world. By quoting some real life stories, the author gives clear ideas on what it takes to desire, inspire and lead.
Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action is for those who dream big and want to achieve their dreams. It is for those who do not compare themselves with others or complain on whatever comes in their life; but for those who are ready to face the challenges and emerge victorious against the odds and set an example. An inspiring book that will change the course of the way things work and how people perceived success. 

2) Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future

by Peter Thiel

Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future

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What Valuable Company is Nobody Building?

The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won’t make a search engine. If you are copying these guys, you aren’t learning from them. It’s easier to copy a model than to make something new: doing what we already know how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. Every new creation goes from 0 to 1. This book is about how to get there.

3) Range: How Generalist Triumph in a Specialized World

by David Epstein

Range: How Generalist Triumph in a Specialized World

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A powerful argument for how to succeed in any field: develop broad interests and skills while everyone around you is rushing to specialize. From the ‘10,000 hours rule’ to the power of Tiger parenting, we have been taught that success in any field requires early specialization and many hours of deliberate practice. And, worse, that if you dabble or delay, you'll never catch up with those who got a head start. This is completely wrong. In this landmark book, David Epstein shows you that the way to succeed is by sampling widely, gaining a breadth of experiences, taking detours, experimenting relentlessly, juggling many interests - in other words, by developing range. Studying the world's most successful athletes, artists, musicians, inventors and scientists, Epstein demonstrates why in most fields - especially those that are complex and unpredictable - generalists, not specialists are primed to excel. No matter what you do, where you are in life, whether you are a teacher, student, scientist, business analyst, parent, job hunter, retiree, you will see the world differently after you've read Range. You'll understand better how we solve problems, how we learn and how we succeed. You'll see why failing a test is the best way to learn and why frequent quitters end up with the most fulfilling careers. As experts silo themselves further while computers master more of the skills once reserved for highly focused humans, Range shows how people who think broadly and embrace diverse experiences and perspectives will increasingly thrive and why spreading your knowledge across multiple domains is the key to your success, and how to achieve it.

4) Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of SpaceX and Tesla is Shaping Our Future

by Ashlee Vance

Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of SpaceX and Tesla is Shaping Our Future

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The book captures the life and achievements of South African interpreter and innovator, Elon Musk, the brain behind series of successful enterprises such as PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX and Solarcity. The real-life inspiration of the Iron Man Series, Musk wants to be the saviour of the planet, send people into space and set up a colony on Mars.
Bullied in school and scolded tremendously by his father, Musk was actually a brilliant student and his life story is nothing less than a drama packed film. Ashlee Vance’s brilliant description of Musk's character, simple language and neat choice of words indeed makes this book a great read.
Considered by some as the innovation, entrepreneurial Steve Jobs of the present and future, Elon Musk became a billionaire early in life with his successful online ventures. One of the successful companies that he co-founded was the online payment gateway PayPal that was later acquired by e-Bay in 2002.
Getting sacked as the CEO, Musk did not cease to amaze friend and foes alike with his out of the box ideas, like investing in rockets! Needless to say, this deconstructed obsession with technology had his marital life go haywire.
The book 'Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of SpaceX and TESLA is Shaping Our Future’ is a brilliant and intelligent account of this genius young 'iron man’ told in a gripping manner. 

5) The Lean  Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses

by Eric Ries

The Lean Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses

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The Lean Start up- How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses’ is a book that explains how to work on your innovative concepts as businessman through moments of anxiety and dilemma. The way to start a company has changed drastically over the time and this book will explain you how to utilize this change to our benefit. The book provides the plan, how a 'startup' is a company devoted to creating something innovative under circumstances of extreme uncertainty. As per author Every one of us has one thing in common and that is to clear the way of uncertainty and reach the target of having a sustainable, unbeaten and balanced company.
The book emphasizes on the developed companies that are both economically proficient and make use of human imagination more frequently. Influenced by lessons from lean manufacturing, it relies depends on validate learning, rapid scientific testing, as well as a number of counter-intuitive exercises that shorten product growth cycles, measure actual development without resorting to vanity metrics and learn what consumers really want. Thereby, it a organization to move directions with agility, altering plans inch by inch, minute by minute. The book make you learn entrepreneurship, in organization of all sizes, a way to judge their vision continuously and to adapt and adjust according to situation.

6) Bridgital Nation: Solving Technology's People Problem

by N. Chandrasekaran

 Bridgital Nation: Solving Technology's People Problem

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It is 2030. India is among the world's top three economies. All Indians use advanced technology to either do their job or get their job done. All Indians have access to quality jobs, better healthcare and skill-based education. Technology and human beings coexist in a mutually beneficial ecosystem.
This reality is possible. It is within reach. With Bridgital.
In this ground-breaking book, N. Chandrasekaran, chairman of Tata Sons, presents a powerful vision for the future. To the coming disruption of artificial intelligence, he proposes an ingenious solution, where India is perfectly positioned to pave a unique path from the rest of the world. Instead of accepting technology as an inevitable replacement for human labour, India can use it as an aid; instead of taking them away, AI can generate jobs.
Chandrasekaran and his co-author, Roopa Purushothaman, chief economist of the Tata Group, survey the country for inspirational stories of resilience and determination, and seek the ideal way to bring Indians closer to their dreams through on-ground application of a cutting-edge approach called 'Bridgital'. This brilliant concept addresses India's biggest challenges by bridging the huge chasm between rural and urban, illiteracy and education, aspirations and achievement. From healthcare to education to business, the model can be applied in various sectors, and, by a conservative estimate, it can create and impact 30 million jobs by 2025.
One of the country's foremost industry leaders and pioneers, N. Chandrasekaran brings his expertise of over thirty years with the Tata Group to offer a blueprint for building a prosperous India, where everyone is included in the growth story.
Foreword by Ratan N. Tata

7) The Hard Thing about Hard Thing: Building a Business When There are No Easy Answers

by Ben Horowitz

The Hard Thing about Hard Thing: Building a Business When There are No Easy Answers

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Ben Horowitz, cofounder of Andreessen Horowitz and one of Silicon Valley's most respected and experienced entrepreneurs, offers essential advice on building and running a startup—practical wisdom for managing the toughest problems business school doesn’t cover, based on his popular ben’s blog.
While many people talk about how great it is to start a business, very few are honest about how difficult it is to run one. Ben Horowitz analyzes the problems that confront leaders every day, sharing the insights he’s gained developing, managing, selling, buying, investing in, and supervising technology companies. A lifelong rap fanatic, he amplifies business lessons with lyrics from his favorite songs, telling it straight about everything from firing friends to poaching competitors, cultivating and sustaining a CEO mentality to knowing the right time to cash in.
Filled with his trademark humor and straight talk, The Hard Thing About Hard Things is invaluable for veteran entrepreneurs as well as those aspiring to their own new ventures, drawing from Horowitz's personal and often humbling experiences.

8) The E-myth Revisited: Why Most Small Business Don't Work and What to do About it

by Michael E. Gerber

The E-myth Revisited: Why Most Small Business Don't Work and What to do About it

An instant classic, this revised and updated edition of the phenomenal bestseller dispels the myths about starting your own business. Small business consultant and author Michael E. Gerber, with sharp insight gained from years of experience, points out how common assumptions, expectations, and even technical expertise can get in the way of running a successful business.
Gerber walks you through the steps in the life of a business—from entrepreneurial infancy through adolescent growing pains to the mature entrepreneurial perspective: the guiding light of all businesses that succeed—and shows how to apply the lessons of franchising to any business, whether or not it is a franchise. Most importantly, Gerber draws the vital, often overlooked distinction between working on your business and working in your business.
The E-Myth Revisited will help you grow your business in a productive, assured way.

9)The $100 Startup: Fire Your Boss, Do What You Love and Work Better To Live More 

by Chris Guillebeau

The $100 Startup: Fire Your Boss, Do What You Love and Work Better To Live More
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Change your job to change your life. You no longer need to work nine-to-five in a big company to pay the mortgage, send your kids to school and afford that yearly holiday. You can quit the rat race and start up on your own – and you don't need an MBA or a huge investment to do it. The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau is your manual to a new way of living. Learn how to: - Earn a good living on your own terms, when and where you want - Achieve that perfect blend of passion and income to make work something you love - Take crucial insights from 50 ordinary people who started a business with $100 or less - Spend less time working and more time living your life

10) Measure What Matters

by John Doerr

Measure What Matters
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Measure what matters is a revolutionary approach to business that has been adopted by some of silicon valley's most successful start-ups. It is a movement that is behind the explosive growth of intel, google, amazon and uber and many more.
Measure what matters is about using objectives and key results (or Okrs) to make tough choices on business priorities. It's about communicating these objectives throughout the company from entry level to CEO and it's about collecting timely, relevant data to track progress to measure what matters.
When google first started out, its founders had amazing technology, entrepreneurial energy and sky-high ambition but no business plan. John Doerr taught them a proven approach to operating excellence that has helped them achieve greatness. He has since shared okrs with more than fifty companies with outstanding success.
In this book, Larry page, bill gates, bono, Sheryl Sandberg and many more explain how Okrs have helped them exceed all expectations and run their organisations with focus and agility.

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